Prepping for first brew day

Did some volume checks to find my dead spaces.   I also finished marking the sight glasses.  The boil kettle and HLT measure the full volume of the kettle.  The mash tun sight glass measures gallons above the false bottom.  I do not care about he volume below the false bottom since it has no effect on my mash thickness.  I may make a new dip tube for the mash tun to leave less sweet wort behind but I will first see if has a major impact on efficiency.  I am not concerned about having super high efficiency just very repeatable efficiency.

Boil Kettle and HLT  = 2.3qt/.575 Gallons
Mash tun under pickup = 3.5qt/.875 Gallons Made a new dip tube
Mash tun under pickup = 2.0qt/.500 Gallons
Mash tun under false bottom = 8.5qt/2.125 Gallons


Setup for SYL-1512A

I used Auber SYL-1512A PIDs for the mash temperature displays.  These are not used in Kal’s original design.  The following is how I set them up.

Enter system configuration menu
1. push set
2. enter 0089
3. push set
In the system configuration menu change the follow entries
1. intY to PT100 (for probe type)
2. outY to 0 (output set to alarm only)
3. PSb to correct your temperature probe reading if necessary
Exit the system configuration menu

Optional – I have not set this filter value but I may if the temperature display is jumpy.

Enter tuning/performance menu
1. push set
2. enter 0036
3. push set
In the tuning/performance menu change the follow entries
1. filt to 1 (for weak filtering, default is 0 for no filtering)
Exit the tuning/performance menu

Panel is complete

The control panel is complete!  Amazingly all parts and pieces are functional, nothing was DOA.  I am waiting on a tag for the mute button, if you notice that missing.  I wired up and tested the elements and verified they work.  They pull about 21 amps according to the meter.


Pump mounts

I decided to mount the pumps directly to the brewing stand.  I used rubber grommets to help isolate the pumps from the metal shelf.  They seem to have worked nicely.  There is no odd noises or vibration in the stand or pumps while they are running.
